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Hi, I'm Rolando Nandin, the Mortgage Angler
at Summit Funding, Inc.

Purchasing a home should be exciting and joyful, not confusing and scary. That's where our team comes in. Call us dream-makers. Call us loan officers. Call us at midnight when you're in a panic. We're here to help you fulfill your dream of homeownership, and you have our commitment to keep you smiling every step of the way!

Rolando Nandin Team

Apply by the seat of your pants.

Apply online from anywhere, literally. With our award winning application you can quickly apply from any device, upload docs straight from your phone, get in-process text alerts and so much more. Click below to start the journey.

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Buying a home?

Whether you're a first time homebuyer, investing in some real estate or finally splurging on that vacation home, we've got you covered. At Summit Funding, we understand that every financial situation is unique. That's why we've got over 400 loan options - one that fits every stage of life.

Ready to refi?

You can do more than just lower your interest rate with a refinance loan. Like cashing out to pay off debt or student loans. You can also cut your payment terms by going from a 30 year mortgage to a 15 year. Click below to download our guide or contact us to see if you can benefit from a refi loan today.


Ready to get started?

Fill out our quick, simple online application so we can get to know a little bit more about your homeownership goals.